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ridge pole中文是什么意思

用"ridge pole"造句"ridge pole"怎么读"ridge pole" in a sentence


  • 天幕脊桁
  • 天遮杆
  • 屋脊梁


  • Shelters of boughs , arranged in an a - framed fashion from a ridge pole make good temporary shelters and are first rate as windbreaks at night
  • Yangzi petrochemical is an economic cell on the organism of state - run listed company , it has general meanings : in term of special meaning , as the super - huge state - owned enterprise , yangzi petrochemical can be regarded as an epitome or sample of the state - run listed company ; " arepreseutative of specials type of state run listed company of our country . ludividually . yangzi petrochemical can be called the ridge pole and seam of the state owned esterprise , represatative os the petrochemical industry trade no master its production scale , management level , or the income form sale and profit level . then
    “扬子石化”作为国有上市公司经济机体上的一个经济细胞,具有一般意义;从特殊意义来讲, “扬子石化”作为特大型国有企业,可以看作是国有上市公司的一个缩影或者样本,可以看作我国国有上市公司特殊类型的一个代表与象征;个别地讲, “扬子石化” ,无论是其生产规模、管理水平,还是销售收入与利润水平,都可称为国企的栋梁,石化行业的代表。
用"ridge pole"造句  
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